SO I have been a major slacker on blogging since the wedding! But so much has happened in the last 3 months..
David started a new job with the BLM on the Tatra crew stationed on the Arizona strip, he lives out there for about 4-5 days a week, unless there is a fire then he is gone for about14 days or until the fire is out.. here are some pictures he has taken:
My work gives away free family pictures every year for an employee appreciation.. So we got our family pictures taken with all 3 dogs :) Which was an adventure! but the pictures turned out great

Then Davey turned the big 25!! He was on a fire and I didn't know if he would be home so I went over to the BLM and decorated his truck and made him a cake and bought some goodies to surprise him when he got home!

My old roommate and a very close friend to David and I, Nikki got married, I got the honor of being her Maid-of-honor, She looked so Beautiful and we are both so Happy for her!! CONGRATS you two!! He are a few pictures of her big day!

Then last weekend was my big 21! David was out on a fire and unable to celebrate with me but my family came down south to be with me, my mom and I went shopping all day and my family(minus Davey) went out to dinner.. here is a picture from dinner.

And the newest news we bought a new truck and sold the white one thank goodness!! Here are some pictures of the new truck!

Overall its been a wonderful 3 months! and we are both excited for all that is to come!