Our sweet baby boy


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Davids First Utah fire

The first Fire dave got to fight here in Utah was in Escalante.. He was out for about 4 days. 16 hours a day... OUCH!! when they go out on these fires they dont usually have access to showers or electricity. So they get a "shower in a bag" in other words over sized baby wipes.. so he was a little dirty.. We were ezcited to see each other.. even though he was ready for a shower...
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Friday, June 20, 2008

A little about David and Charlie

We have been together since Janurary 2, 2008. David is from Oregon and moved to Utah a month after meeting me. He is a wild land fire fighter, and loves every bit about it. He loves going on adventures and taking chances. He is known as "Danger Dave". I am from Salt Lake and moved to St. George after graduating high school to attend Dixie State College. I am planning on starting Nursing school next year and am very excited. David and I love the life we have made together and cant wait to spend eternity together!