Our sweet baby boy


Sunday, November 14, 2010

WARNING: Long post!!! 2 months worth!!

So I have been an absolute SLACKER on updating our blog.. But SOOO much has been going on!!! First and foremost David and I made the big move back to Salt Lake.. FINALLY! :) So we have been shacking up at my parents house while we were unemployed.. I was lucky to get a job shortly after we moved and now work as a Medical Assistant/Surgical Tech at a Dermatology office, I can honestly say it is the best and most interesting job I have ever had! I assist the Dr. in something called Mohs Surgery wich in short terms is complete cancer removal, it gets pretty intense!! Any who, David Just got a job last week as a tow truck driver for Speedy towing and so far he seems to be really liking it!! So we will hopefully be getting our own place soon!!

Being in Salt Lake has had its advantages for both of us, I have my girls and family and David has long time friend from Oregon only 25 minutes away.. Here are a few pictures from the past 2 months!

When we first moved back my AMAZING girls and I went out to celebrate!
I love these girls!!

Another Joy of my new job is that I get off by 1:00 pm on Fridays so one afternoon I decided to Take Dave up Little Cottonwood Canyon to see the BEAUTFUL leaves!

Halloween this year was a BLAST! On Friday we went to Cody and Vanessa's house for a fun and very entertaining party.. Then on Saturday we went to thriller with Brooke, Sean and Ad. That to was a very fun evening.. If you cant tell this year I was Lady Gaga and David was my Jackass (Jonny Knoxville) :)

Last weekend I finally let david go to Orem to have a guys day with his best friend Randy.. They went and did "man" stuff lol; 4-wheeling, gun shooting.. and other stuff im not too sure about or want to know :)

This weekend I got to spend some more time with the Girls, Ad, Brit and I met up at Brooke's and had a nice quiet relaxing day making picture frames and Cake balls.. It was so nice to just sit around and girl talk! I love every moment with these girls!!!


addy0506 said...

YAY!!! I love that you have a blog and now I can stalk you! haha but um... it wont let me follow you :(