Our sweet baby boy


Monday, May 11, 2009

Down 7 pounds

I have lost 7 pounds in the last week. I have just been watching what I eat and going on a lot of walks with David and the dogs! I am super happy that I am starting to loose. I have been drinking so much water and dont even have a diet Pepsi in my fridge! Thats huge for me! :) It has been hard watching what I eat with David cause that boy can eat anything and everything! But I guess having him eat more is a little help so there is less for me to eat! Good thing it is summer and all my favorite fruits are in season!

Any way a little up date about us.. Over the weekend we bought a King size bed at a killer deal! We got it for $199! It was used in model homes just as a show so no one has really slept on it, and the place we bought it from steamed cleaned it for us so its just like new. This bed usually runs for $900! So we got a steal!!

My Parents have been in Akumal Mexico the last week so I have been totally jealous of them and wanting to be with them!!!

On Saturday my work gave us a free gift which was a free 10 X 13 family portrait, So David and I took the Dogs with us and all 4 got our picture taken. I am excited I think it will be cute! The dogs did soo good!! Puggles just sat on my lap and Shasta sat right next to David! The did very good!!

All in all it has been a great week! We have a lot coming up in the next few months and I cant wait!! This month is David's Birthday next month is my mom and dads birthday and David's mom is coming down to Vegas so we are going to go see her! Not to mention it is Summer and we both just want to be outside playing!!

We are excited for what is to come!!

I will keep you all posted on my weight!


Momberger said...

Way to go girl!!! It really does get easier as you go. Just stick with it and soon you wont get as hungry, and you will be disgusted by fast food. Its a great feeling! I am so excited for you! Those first pounds are just a sigh of relief that it is all going to pay off. Way to go!!! And keep drinking water!